At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO.
As all colleagues at the ILO, UN-GLOBE@ILO is happy that the Director-General’s Programme and Budget proposals for 2024-2025 were adopted by the International Labour Conference. We note the debates that took place regarding the wording on discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Discussions such as the ones at the Governing Body and International Labour Conference in 2023 can have negative implications for the mental and physical health and for the safety of LGBTIQ+ personnel at the ILO, especially those who may be based in duty stations where they may not enjoy legal protections against discrimination, and where staff may face stigma, abuse, and discrimination – simply for who they are or whom they love.
This context highlights the relevance and importance of UN-GLOBE@ILO, which exists to promote and defend a safe and inclusive workplace for all ILO personnel regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation, contractual status, grade, duty station, or function. All staff at the ILO should feel welcome at the workplace that we share. In the context of this mandate, UN-GLOBE@ILO will focus efforts on representing members’ interests and concerns in the following areas: the ILO’s mobility policy, awareness raising among ILO staff, providing relevant information and, when requested, individual support to members. This is in line with the needs and priorities expressed by UN-GLOBE@ILO members through an anonymous survey conducted earlier this year.
Alongside the Staff Union, we will advocate for mobility options that work for all staff, including equal career opportunities across the globe, in duty stations that are safe and secure for all staff and their families. We will also continue to raise awareness on issues that affect LGBTIQ+ colleagues in the workplace, as was recently the case on International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (17 May).
UN-GLOBE@ILO also continually provides information and support to ILO colleagues who face particular circumstances or challenges due to their own or their family member’s gender identity or sexual orientation. This is done in close collaboration with the Staff Union, the HR department, and other ILO actors such as the Mediator, staff welfare services, and others.
We look forward to working with all colleagues to make the ILO an even more equal and inclusive workplace. We wish all colleagues a very happy Pride month!
The UN-GLOBE@ILO Coordinators – Adam Adrien-Kirby, Alix Machiels and Michael Braun
- To learn more about UN-GLOBE@ILO, check out our Intranet page.
- To reach the UN-GLOBE@ILO Coordinators, or join the mailing list, email us at
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Spanish version: here