ILC 2024 – retour d’expérience

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. Chère lectrice, cher lecteur, Vous trouverez ci-dessous des articles soumis volontairement…

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Interview de Bertrand Kama Kama

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. 1. Qu’est-ce qui vous a poussé à rejoindre le Syndicat et…

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Mobility Musings: Decoding the ILO’s Global Career Puzzle

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. The United Nations (UN) stands as a beacon of global cooperation…

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What we, as future parents at the ILO, should know

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. In May 2023, I was invited by the Staff Union to…

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Des nouvelles d’une amie: Maria Marta Travieso

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. Une bonne amie ; Une mère, une épouse, une fille, une…

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Unity Amidst Adversity

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. Amid the considerable upheavals witnessed, the ILO team embarked on a…

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Interview: Dan Cork

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. 1)Why did you agree to chair this General meeting? I felt…

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Témoignage : le retour au travail après un burn-out

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. Après votre burn-out, aviez-vous de l’appréhension de revenir à votre poste…

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Interview de Yvan Poulin

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. C’est une figure familière qui quitte les rangs du Comité du…

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Interview Maureen Kearney

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. Le 16novembre 2023, le Syndicat du personnel a lancé son premier…

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