1st of May: Keep your Staff Union values at heart!

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. For us at the ILO, 1st of May rhymes with Public…

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Recherche volontaire !

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. Toujours dans un perpétuel souci de liens et d’innovation, le Syndicat…

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Courts métrages

Lors de notre Mini-festival qui a eut lieu le jeudi 16 novembre 2023, nous avons projeté une sélection de courts métrages en lien avec le monde du travail. Pour ceux,…

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At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. Même si, la pandémie n’est plus qu’un mauvais souvenir, elle a…

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La cafétéria de l’OIT met en lumière ses producteurs locaux

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. L’animation « À Table! Mangeons local et durable » met en…

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Your contribution in getting ready for the negotiation on contracts

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. The precarious situation of colleagues on Technical Cooperation contracts has long…

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The Staff Union responds to your questions – part 2

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. For International Women’s Day 2023, the Staff Union invited you to…

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Première journée Syndicale en Afrique!

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. La première journée syndicale en Afrique, qui s’est déroulée le mercredi…

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Nueva Asesora Jurídica

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. Usted acaba de unirse al equipo del Sindicato como asesora legal,…

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Le 1er mai, avant tout LA journée des travailleurs !

At the bottom of this article, you will find the translation into the other working languages of the ILO. Le 1er mai est souvent appelé la journée du travail or…

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