An ILO Colleague awarded in Egypt
On the backdrop of the Egyptian Year for Women, Ms. Amal Mowafy, Chief Technical Advisor for the ILO/Canada project on Decent Jobs for Egypt’s Young People, was recently recognized as one of the Top 50 most Influential Women in the Egyptian economy for the year 2016.
One of the major roles of this summit was to strengthen the role of Egyptian women in all sectors and to act as a catalyst for positive change at all levels.
The summits aimed also to promote and support the Egyptian economy, create opportunities and discuss problems faced during the current period and to develop a reform agenda to the government and the private sector, towards the implementation of the necessary reforms in order to achieve sustainable development.
Held on January 30, 2016 under the auspices of Prime Minister Sherif Ismail, the summit brought together more than 600 business tycoons, political figures, public figures, decision makers, experts, and media specialists.
The purpose of the summit was
Farid Hegazy